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Offshore energy report could dash defeatist arguments against the rocks

"But even the defeatists might be swayed by some of the findings of the Offshore Valuation report, just published by the Public Interest Research Centre (Pirc). It's the first time anyone has tried to work out how much...

Category: Energy sources


Google-funded hot rock 'water' drill could reduce cost of geothermal energy

"Enhanced geothermal systems 'could be the killer app of energy world' says Dan Reicher, Google's climate and energy chief"

Category: Energy sources


MIT debuts "double bubble" aircraft that would use 70% less fuel

"Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) this week took the wraps off two new aircraft designs, which they claim could cut aviation fuel use by 70 per cent and deliver similarly deep cuts in air and noise...


New clue to anti-matter mystery

"A US-based physics experiment has found a clue as to why the world around us is composed of normal matter and not its shadowy opposite: anti-matter. "

Category: Big Science


Mobile phone study finds no solid link to brain tumours

"Publication of a landmark study into mobile phones and brain cancer was delayed for years because scientists failed to agree on its findings and whether to issue a warning about excessive use of the devices, the Guardian has...

Displaying results 661 to 665 out of 2977